The Word became flesh and made his dweeling amoung us.  John 1:14 

Politicians want the public to believe that they are just like their constituents. But no matter how much they try, they will never truly understand the needs of their voters unless they actually share the same type of lifestyle and live in similar communities.

Unlike politicians, Jesus never gives us an illusion of identity. He knew that it would be hard to convince people that living a godly life was possible unless he became flesh and actually lived it himself. So that’s exactly what he did.

Just as he physically connected with people over two thousand years ago, he spiritually connects with us today on a level that we can understand. Jesus knows the things we struggle with in this life because he faced the same issues. He dealt with relationships and temptations—the same as we do today.  There will be times when you feel alone, and that no one understands what you are going through. But take comfort in knowing that Jesus has walked in your shoes, and understands exactly where you are. Trust in God as you deal with your daily struggles and allow him to help you walk through the storms.


Lord, thank you for coming to earth and experiencing the struggles of this life so that I can have my hope in you. Help me strengthen my connection with you so that through trusting you, I can be equipped to handle the storms of life. In Jesus name, Amen.
