Are they not the ones who are slandering the noble name of him to whom you belong?  James 2:7

The word “Christian” dates back to the early days of the Church, after the gospel had begun to spread throughout the world. The ironic thing is that, originally, the term was meant as an insult toward those who were walking in the footsteps of Jesus.  In today’s culture, the term Christian is one that those who accept Christ as Savior have chosen for themselves. But like then, many Christians still face ridicule.  If you find yourself being slandered because of your beliefs or ridiculed because of your faith, don’t give up hope. And don’t allow it to keep you from reaching out the way God wants you to.   Instead, use the opportunity to show people what it truly means to be a Christian. Let your reaction be to show them God’s love. And pray for them in the name above all other names, Jesus Christ.

Dear God, I know that everyday there are people who slam your name. They use your name as a curse word or in a manner that insults the whole family of God. Help me to not react, causing them to justify their onslaught. Help me to instead pray for them to see the value of an eternal relationship with you. In the name of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
