All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living.  2 Timothy 3:16

Mornings on my way to work, I see two farmers carefully checking their fence that borders a busy road. They make sure the posts are secure and the wire is intact to keep their cattle safe from the dangers of the road and from wandering onto property that doesn’t belong to the ranchers. Their diligence is necessary, since many times I see cattle leaning over the wire trying to snatch a mouthful of grass or to satisfy their curiosity. Without that fence, the cattle would wander.

In many ways, God’s word is like that fence. The Bible tells me how to set safe boundaries in my life to keep me from the dangers of sinful actions and bad decisions. Whatever the day brings, God’s word offers me the answers I need for living that day. But, like the ranchers, I need to “check my fence” daily. Some days I don’t want to hear from God’s word because I’m “leaning on the wire” trying to go my own way. But daily Bible reading keeps my spiritual fence in good repair and helps me remain in God’s safe pasture.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the power, practicality, and truth of your word. Help us to be faithful in reading it and doing what is right as we seek to honor you in all things. Amen.
