“I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10)

An interest in life on Mars seems to run in cycles. At this writing, our nation has a new exploration robot prowling around and digging little holes in the dirt near the Martian north pole.

A few years ago, I was even interviewed for an article about life on other planets, I said, “I don’t see anything in the Bible that would indicate there is life on other planets, but if there is, God created it.” They closed the article with another of my statements: “Maybe we shouldn’t be so worried about life on other planets and ask ourselves the question, ‘Is there life on Earth, and are we living it the way God wants us to?’”  We often wonder if there is life after death. But is there life during life? That is a question we should all consider.  When I was seventeen, that was my question. I wasn’t so concerned with what happened beyond the grave at that age, because I thought I would live a long, long time. My primary concern at that time was, “What’s life all about? What’s the purpose of life?” I knew in my heart there had to be more than what I’d experienced to that point. I was desperately searching for some kind of meaning in life. I just had to know.  Thankfully, I didn’t have to look very far, because there was a group of very outspoken Christians on my high school campus. They practiced what they preached, and I was intrigued by them. So I began to watch them. I saw that they were experiencing a dimension of life that I had never known. Not long after that, I gave my life to Jesus and discovered the truth of Jesus’ great statement from John 10:10: “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” That’s what I had been searching for, life during life.

Ask the Lord to point you toward someone today who may be searching for that very thing.
