[Jesus] said to Simon, “Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.”   Luke 5:4

LUKE’S account of Jesus calling Peter to follow him is striking in many ways. The miracle of the abundant catch, Peter’s realization of his spiritual condition, and his immediate assent to Jesus’ call to follow him are all truly remarkable. Yet it is Peter’s obedience that impresses me the most. Jesus told Peter, “Put out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch.” Once Peter obeyed, his haul of fish was so great that the nets were almost bursting. Peter had to call his partners to help haul in the fish. Then Peter experienced a spiritual transformation and obeyed Jesus’ second instruction: “from now on you will be catching people” (verse 10).

God always beckons people to move into deeper waters. Abraham was asked to go far away to an unknown land. (See Gen. 12:1-5.) A similar challenge was rejected by the rich young ruler who came to see Jesus. (See Mark 10:21-22.)  How will we respond when God calls us to go deeper? Will we stay where we feel comfortable and safe in shallow waters, with our feet firmly and securely planted on the ground? Or are we ready to put our hand trustingly in God’s and venture into deeper water? The reward will be worth it — a richer, more intimate walk with God and a more abundant life. 

Lord Jesus, give us courage to venture into deeper waters with you. Amen.
