[Jesus] said to [his disciples], “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.”   Mark 6:31

A friend listened patiently as I rattled on about my busy day and my never-ending list of things to do. I felt I had used my time wisely, but her response surprised me.  “Where did God fit in?” she asked. Embarrassed, I realized I had expected to be praised for all my accomplishments. Her question made me re-evaluate my busy schedule.  Most of us want others to see us as industrious. Do we dare admit that we spend time praying or reading the Bible or that we simply sit and ponder God’s blessings in our life?  Jesus wanted his disciples to serve; but more than that, he wanted relationships with them. In addition, Jesus invited them into times of rest to renew their minds and bodies for the work they were called to do.  We can easily fall into the trap of trying to impress others with our doing and overlook the importance of “resting” time with God. With God on our daily calendar, we will find renewed energy to accomplish all that lies before us each day. 

Father, forgive us for trying to earn your approval with our achievements. Draw us aside that we may be renewed by spending time in your presence. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
